[Cwgrad-announcements] news...

Gabriela Jauregui gabrielajauregui at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 16:11:03 PDT 2008


I just wanted to share the good news with everyone from wet Mexico, in case
some of you are wondering what's going on with my book, or in case you're
curious as to what will happen to your book once it's out there (I certainly

A review of my book has come out in the Brooklyn Rail:


Also an interview in the National Book Critic's circle blog:


and finally, a Podcast/interview/conversation in Hayden's Ferry (related to
their new issue on the grotesque in which I have a poem):


On a separate (and not so self-centered!) note, the wonderful poet Alfred
Arteaga just passed away, a great loss to poetry... I am sure there will be
some sort of memorial service in LA, and certainly in the Bay Area... If you
haven't before, do check out his work: his book *Frozen Accident* is a
classic and his website is still up.

I hope everyone is doing well and having an amazing summer!

All the best and saludos,
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