[Cwgrad-announcements] SweeneyPROOFS

Gabriela Jauregui gabrielajauregui at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 22:24:59 PDT 2007

Dear Colleagues,

I am very happy to announce that we've got a double booking next
thursday: graduation reading + CRATE release party!!

And wait, there's more:  This is the first SweeneyPROOFS event, with
many more to come! I'm still waiting to hear who'se interested in
reading in July and then in August we have our very own performance
genius: Brenda Varda, so hit me up if you want to do some thign in
July--there's time, space and equipment so feel free to come up with a
sound+image reading or whatever you like).

Please see attached flyer or read below (the flyer is nicer, of
course, and please feel free to bring your families, friends,
encourage your students, etc.
Hope to see you there!

All the best,


MFA Reading and Book Launch Party June 7, 2007, 6-9 PM  ArtsWalk
SweeneyPROOFS is the Sweeney Art Gallery's signature series of
literary readings.   On Thursday, June 7th, The Sweeney is proud to
present a night of original writing featuring some of the University
of California, Riverside's finest writers.   Master of Fine Arts
candidates from the department of Creative Writing will read their
work in the gallery during June's First Thursday ArtsWalk event. In
addition, the  Creative Writing Department will release the 2007
edition of CRATE,  the creative writing magazine of UCR.     ArtsWalk
occurs on the first Thursday of every month, when galleries and
museums in downtown Riverside stay open late and provide
entertainment.   SweeneyPROOFS is a joint presentation of the Sweeney
Art Gallery and the Department of Creative Writing.
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