[Cwgrad-announcements] Other TA positions and MFA binder

Ky-Phong Tran ky at frequentwind.com
Wed Jan 31 21:47:33 PST 2007

Hey classmates,

   A couple of things:
1.  Religious Studies and Ethnic Studies sometimes hire outside their departments for TA positions.  Here is Rel. Studies applications.  http://www.religiousstudies.ucr.edu/employment/grad_student.html
It can't hurt to put one in just in case you don't get a department position.

2.  And now introducing... the MFA Resource Binder.  Patrick Callahan and I have assembled our many resources (grants, residencies, summer conferences, list of magazines and journals) into a binder that lives in the Creative Writing office.  If you are looking for info, check it out.  My hope is that we can all add to it and thus can know about the opportunities in the literary world.  It has overlap with Writer's Market (a commercial book) but it also has many unique opportunities like Hedgebrook (women only) or VONA (for writers of color) and other goodies.  When you use it, just make sure you do it outside of the office so as not to cram the good staff and put it back so others can use it too. 

3. Party Thursday. 5011 Brockton.  

See you there.


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