[Cwgrad-announcements] Mi-casa-es-su-casa-MFA Party

Ky-Phong Tran ky at frequentwind.com
Tue Jan 30 11:16:39 PST 2007

Dear classmates,

  I guess some of you got the invite and others didn't so here it is again:
What:  A party to celebrate Writing (yeah right j/k) and making it to Week Midterms, a soiree if you 
When:  This Thursday, Feb 1 6pm till ?
Where:  my house 5011 Brockton, corner of Larchwood, 92506
Who:  MFA grads and other cool peeps

   It's BYO-what you need, but my roommates and I will be supplying some drinks and snacks.  If you can RSVP so we can plan, but not to this list cause it'll generate so much much-numbing e-traffic that the world could go...poof! (Remember what happened to ALF and his planet?) Hit me back at thepaultran at yahoo.com

Peace, see you Thursday for the gala

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