[Cwgrad-announcements] FW: January 26/ 27 at Tebot Bach Reading and Workshop Woloch/Tyler/ Ysidro

Amanda J Labagnara amandal at ucr.edu
Mon Jan 8 08:37:39 PST 2007




Please join Tebot Bach as we welcome Cecilia Woloch, Kathleen Tyler and
James Ysidro to Tebot Bach at Golden West College. The Reading begins at
8:00 PM, Friday, January 26th.  Open reading sign ups will begin at 7:30 PM.
We are located at: Golden West College Community Room 102, Huntington Beach,
CA (Entrance closest to Room 102 is on Gothard off of Edinger) Directions:
go to www.tebotbach.org <http://www.tebotbach.org/> 
Cecilia Woloch will conduct a workshop on January 27, 9-5, Humanities 101,
Golden West College.  Registration of $75 includes continental breakfast and
lunch.  Further instructions will be sent to those who register at
mifanwy at earthlink.net.  Please reserve by email by January 15th  and send a
check made out to Tebot Bach to  Tebot Bach, 20592 Minerva Lane, Huntington
Beach, CA  92646
Celebrated teacher Cecilia Woloch has conducted poetry workshops for
thousands of adults, children and young people throughout the United States
and around the world, She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch
University L.A. in 1999, and is currently a lecturer in the creative writing
program at the University of Southern California as well as a member of the
core faculty of the low-residency  MFA Program in Professional Writing at
Western Connecticut State University. She is the founding director of Summer
Poetry in Idyllwild and of The Paris Poetry Workshop.  Her books include
Sacrifice (Cahuenga Press, 1997), a BookSense 76 selection in 2001; Tsigan:
The Gypsy Poem (Cahuenga Press, 2002); and Late (BOA Editions, 2003) for
which she was named Georgia Author of the Year in Poetry in 2004. A chapbook
manuscript, "Narcissus," was chosen winner of the Tupelo Press Snowbound
Competition and will be published in 2007. Individual poems have been
anthologized in Best American Poetry 2005, and by Billy Collins and Garrison
Keillor, and have appeared numerous publications. Her poems have been
translated and published in French, German and Polish.
Kathleen Tyler's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals
including Runes, Solo, Margie, Coe Review, Visions International, Diner, and
Poetry Motel. Her first book of poetry, The Secret Box, was published in
September, by Mayapple Press. Her second book, My Florida, will be published
by Backwaters Press, Summer 2007. She currently teaches at a public school
in Los Angeles.  
James Ysidro has been living and working in the Los Angeles basin for over
seven years now. Sometimes, he thinks this is because he was especially
villainous in a previous life. He first started writing poetry in his early
twenties, but can no longer remember why. He suspects illicit drugs played a
part. Since then, he has continued to write on and off (mostly off) in order
to reap some of the tremendous fame and fortune accorded to poets in
21st-century America. He has been particularly influenced by the writings of
two Johns: Ashbery and Cage. But, if you're fortunate, he might spare you
from having to sit through most of the really long and really boring pieces
he has written in emulation of either writer. He is currently hard at work
on a ten-line autobiography craftily written in the third-person. He
suspects it will prove to be his magnum opus. 
Tebot Bach* is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to strengthening community,
promoting literacy, and broadening the audience for poetry through Community
Outreach Programs and Publishing, and to demonstrating the power of poetry
to transform one's life experiences through readings, workshops, and
publications.  Poetix is such a publication. 
Mifanwy Kaiser
Tebot Bach
P.O. Box 7887
Huntington Beach, CA  92615-7887
www.tebotbach.org <http://www.tebotbach.org/> 
The Tebot Bach Mission
Tebot Bach is dedicated to advancing literacy, strengthening community,  and
broadening the audience for poetry by demonstrating through readings,
workshops, and publications, the power of poetry to transform human

Maurya Simon

Department of Creative Writing
University of California Riverside
900 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92521-0318

TEL. (951) 827-2006 (office)

FAX: (951) 827-3619 

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