[Cwgrad-announcements] CRATE Call for Submissions (please forward to writers)

Ky-Phong Tran ky at frequentwind.com
Mon Oct 30 23:30:44 PST 2006


- Literary Submissions -

 *  Poetry  *  Fiction  *  Creative Non-Fiction  
*  Essays  *  Interviews  *  Photography  
*  Visual Art  *  Multi-Media Works  

CRATE—UC Riverside's MFA Literary Magazine—is dedicated to exploring the borders and boundaries of art and literature.  This edition's theme is "Margins and Mainstreams" after a series of lectures by historian Gary Okihiro who writes that, "The Core values and ideals of the nation emanate not from the mainstream but from the margins."

Within contemporary art and literature, who is "marginalized" and who is “mainstreamed”?  Who decides?  And how are contemporary writers and artists addressing the imminent changes of the 21st Century in their work? 

We are looking for literature and art that moves us, challenges us, and most of all, offers us the possibility to reconsider our status quo.  We want pieces that remain with us long after the first read, scenes and experiences so vivid that we imagine we’ve lived them, and lines so sharp they cut us.  In short, we want your best.

Submission Guidelines:
-All submissions should be typed, no email submissions
-Up to five poems for poetry and up to 25 double-spaced pages for fiction and non-fiction
-For artwork and photography, please send a hard copy; for multi-media work, please send CD-rom
-Include cover letter with contract information and SASE for reply; please mention if simultaneous submission
-Received deadline for the 2007 issue is January 30, 2007
Visit us at www.crate.ucr.edu or email us at crate.journal at gmail.edu
-Mailing address: 
University of California, Riverside
Creative Writing Department
900 University Avenue, 1607 HMNSS
Riverside, California 92521

CRATE is produced by UC Riverside’s MFA Program in Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts.  Past writers have included Chris Abani, Susan Straight, Kimiko Hahn, and Marilyn Chin.

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