[Cwgrad-announcements] Re: course description

khill002 at student.ucr.edu khill002 at student.ucr.edu
Sat Oct 28 20:31:17 PDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I'd like to back Carly up--I would really appreciate a course listing from the 
Creative Writing Department. It sounds like it would be simple to put together--
the professors could supply the name, course number, and day/time of their 
course, along with a brief synopsis. Then one person could put all of them in 
one email for the list-serv. I've also seen departments where each professor 
printed out the information for their course and tacked it up to a given bulletin 
board in the department. 

This summer, I found it was difficult to figure out what was being offered in the 
fall quarter. I had to conglomerate information from many different sources, 
then I had to figure out which course was which when I signed up for classes, 
because not all the information I had listed course numbers. Having this 
information earlier would also really help me plan my quarter--and I'm guessing 
it would help other MFA students, too.

I don't think it would be difficult to accomplish, and it would really help us.  If 
we can't get something like this together this quarter, would the professors be 
kind enough to email information about their winter courses to the list-serv 


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