[Cwgrad-announcements] A question for all faculty and students

Gabriela Jauregui gabrielajauregui at gmail.com
Mon Oct 2 20:07:00 PDT 2006

Dear Faculty and fellow students,

I hope the beginning of the quarter is going well for all of you!
After conversing with Prof. Richard Hornby about one of the seminars
he will be offering soon, it occurred to me that some professors might
not be getting enough students in their classes because of various
reasons, one of them being that their courses are not advertised
enough and/or that students are not familiar with the professor's

I then decided it might be nice to have some kind of brown bag lunch
where faculty who are interested in doing so can talk a bit about
their own work and interests as well as about the course(s) they plan
to offer.  I think this would be helpful to faculty and it would
especially benefit students: we not only get to meet new faculty
members and have an informal yet informative conversation with them, I
think it might also serve the purposes of professionalization as we
get to hear how writers in various disciplines frame their work within
the academic context.

If there are any students and faculty (in addition to Prof. Hornby)
who might be interested in participating in one or more of these brown
bag lunch sessions, please contact me off-list
(gabrielajauregui at earthlink.net) and I'll try to put one together

best to all,

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