[Cwgrad-announcements] FW: Poetry, Philosophy, Harvard in Fulcrum 5

Amanda J Labagnara amandal at ucr.edu
Thu Dec 7 08:43:19 PST 2006

Subscriptions to Fulcrum, including the current Number Five, are now
available via PayPal at http://fulcrumpoetry.com ! We still charge the same
unbeatably low price, although the journal's size has grown considerably and
is now at 544 pages.

FULCRUM: an annual of poetry and aesthetics, Number Five, 2006, edited by
Philip Nikolayev and Katia Kapovich * 544 pp., perfectbound, exquisitely
designed, cheaply priced * SPECIAL FEATURES: "Poets and Philosophers";
"Poetry and Harvard in the 1920s"

   Eliot Weinberger, "Empedocles and Valmiki"
   Peter H. Hare, "Misunderstandings between Poet and Philosopher: Wallace
Stevens and Paul Weiss"
   Simon Critchley, "Surfaciality: Some poems by Fernando Pessoa, one by
Wallace Stevens, and the brief sketch of a poetic ontology"
   Marjorie Perloff: "'The Renaissance of 1910': Reflections on Guy
Davenport’s Poetics"
   Andrew Epstein, 'Crisis, Possibility, and Pragmatism: Frank O’Hara’s
Early Journal and William James"
   John Hennessy, "Love, Solitude, Solipsism"
   Lisa Goldfarb, "'A Distinct Flame': Philosophy and Music in Paul Valéry’s
   Sam Truitt, "This Is Poetry: Phenomenal"
   Pierre Joris, "Toward a Performance of Cruelty"
   Elaine Brown, "This is Not How an Essay Starts"
   Paul Stephens, "The Poet-Critic vs. the Poeticritic: Toward a Metapoetics
of Innovative American Writing"
   Renée Ashley, "Ut Pictura Poesis: The Painting in the Poem, or, Simple
Perspective for Poets"
   Paul E. Nelson, "Dualism and Olson’s Antidote"
   Paul E. Nelson, "Organic Poetry: Organismic, Holisitic, Exploratory"
   Raymond Barfield, "Poetic Openings: What Poetry Taught Plato about
   Andrew D. Weiner, "The Conventions of Love, the Conventions of Poetry,
and the Love Poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt"

POETRY AND HARVARD IN THE 1920s (edited by Ben Mazer)
    Ben Mazer, "Cambridge in the Twenties: Notes on Some Forgotten Texts"
    John Brooks Wheelwright (as Dorian Abbott): "Preface"
    John Brooks Wheelwright (as Platipod): "Preface"
    John Brooks Wheelwright, Malcolm Cowley, R.P. Blackmur, H. Davenport,
Dudley Fitts

POETRY BY Landis Everson, John Tranter, Andrea Zanzotto, Billy Collins,
Michael Palmer, David Lehman, Charles Bernstein, Charles Baudelaire,
Guillaume Apollinaire, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Arthur Rimbaud, X.J.
Kennedy, John Crowe Ransom, and many more

AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! [View the complete Table of Contents at
http://fulcrumpoetry.com ]

A poetry journal open to a wider range of philosophical interests than any
other, Fulcrum is doing as much to advance philosophy as it is to advance
   --Peter Hare, Editor, Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society: A
Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy

One of the liveliest, most challenging poetry journals now on the market,
Fulcrum is notable for its non-sectarianism, its free-wheeling, wide-ranging
presentation of different poetries, candid interviews, and unusual critical
   --Marjorie Perloff

Fulcrum is quite simply the most exciting literary magazine I know of--it's
got the largest scope of any journal, and room for the most depth. In an age
of jaded readers, Fulcrum gives joyous illumination. Each issue is a
   --Don Share, Poetry Editor, Harvard Review, and Curator, G. E. Woodberry
Poetry Room, Harvard University

>From out of nowhere, Fulcrum has in only a few years established itself as a
must-read journal, a unique annual of literary and intellectual substance
positioned on the cutting edge of culture.
   --Billy Collins, US Poet Laureate (2002-3)


Though it maybe easier to subscribe online, traditional subscriptions by
check or money order are accepted. Go to the "Subscribe" tab our website to
see the current competitive subscription rates.

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Philip Nikolayev and Katia Kapovich, Editors
334 Harvard Street, Suite D-2
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
phone 617-864-7874
e-mail editor{AT}fulcrumpoetry.com

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