[Corebotanyfaculty] Faculty Meeting Monday Oct 31

Bpschair bpschair at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 27 17:30:39 PDT 2022

Hi all,
We will meet on Monday, 2pm in Batchelor 2158.  Please try to attend in person (there will be coffee and cookies), but if you can’t, a zoom link is below:


Meeting ID: 988 8454 3340
Passcode: 367750

1.  Teaching approvals - Thomas Eulgem to lead.

2.  Merit files:

  *   Dan Koenig (Appraisal)
  *   Juan Pablo Giraldo (Merit)
  *   Darrel Jenerette (Merit)
  *   Ashraf El Kereamy (CE) (Reappointment)

I will ask the AdHocs to briefly summarize the file and we will then discuss the case and the draft department letter, which is included in the file under “documents".  If you want to leave comments on the file in eFile, make sure to note which button you click to make the comments visible (can either be everyone or the Chair).

We will vote using a confidential Google forms link.  The links to each ballot are below.  I will also have a few paper ballots available for those attending in person who don’t bring a device to the meeting.   If you can’t attend the meeting, please submit ballots to me via the link by 2 pm on Monday.  Please also let me know why you can’t attend the meeting.

Remember that department letters are supposed to indicate the reason for negative votes, so if you abstain or vote no on an action, I would appreciate it if you include a brief explanation on the ballot.

Links to ballots:
Koenig:  https://forms.gle/9tpWWFiUFQCF3nqBA
Giraldo: https://forms.gle/v4oJZJY3XopD6oLY9
Jenerette:  https://forms.gle/hEDV8nvhVpPcZqdPA
El Kereamy:  https://forms.gle/uLuKb89VZ45ALSbe7

Thanks, patty

Patricia Springer
Professor and Chair, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California
Riverside, CA  92521

pspringer at ucr.edu<mailto:pspringer at ucr.edu>
bpschair at ucr.edu
951-827-4413 (Chair's office)
951-827-5785 (Faculty office)

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