[Corebotanyfaculty] Fwd: Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement

Bpschair bpschair at ucr.edu
Thu Aug 11 11:54:48 PDT 2022

Hi all,

Here is a request from the Provost’s office asking about any courses we offer that incorporate community engagement.    Let me know if you think any of your courses might fit.

Thanks, patty

Begin forwarded message:

From: Richard Howick <rhowi003 at ucr.edu<mailto:rhowi003 at ucr.edu>>
Subject: Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement
Date: July 19, 2022 at 3:12:41 PM PDT
To: bpschair at ucr.edu<mailto:bpschair at ucr.edu>
Cc: Beth Claassen Thrush <beth.claassenthrush at ucr.edu<mailto:beth.claassenthrush at ucr.edu>>, Ken Baerenklau <ken.baerenklau at ucr.edu<mailto:ken.baerenklau at ucr.edu>>

Dear Chair Patricia Springer,

I write today on behalf of Provost Liz Watkins, who has initiated a campus-wide process of gathering information on the places where community engagement is embedded into the curriculum at UCR. This is part of our work toward achieving the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement.

We would like to ask you, as department chair, to help us with identifying courses in your department that may fit well into the definitions for community-engaged learning. These can include traditional courses, as well as research or internship activity for which students earn academic credit. We are working on crafting the specific definitions and criteria for community-engaged learning at UCR, and your input will help us in the process so we ask you to think broadly about what might be included. However, to help guide us, there are two sets of criteria (one from the Carnegie definitions/framework and one from UCLA) we are using initially:

  1.  From Carnegie – please identify community engaged courses in your department that include all of the following characteristics:

  *   Mutually beneficial and respectful collaboration
  *   Enriches the scholarship of the institution
  *   Addresses community-identified needs
  *   Deepens students’ civic and academic learning
  *   Enhances community well-being

  1.  From UCLA -

  *   The community-engaged work creates reciprocal value for the students as learners and for community partners
  *   The community-engaged work is sustained across the quarter
  *   The community-engaged work is integrated into the course design, including assessment of student learning
  *   Students have the opportunity to actively connect the community-based experience with their academic learning through critical reflection.

Here is the table from the application itself – we welcome you to use it as a guide, or to follow up with a response in a different format.

Number of for-credit community engaged
designated courses (both undergrad and grad)

Number of faculty teaching for-credit
community engaged designated courses (and please designate whether full time or part time; tenure-track or non-tenure track)

Total number of faculty (FT/PT and tenure-track/non-tenure track) in the department

Number of students enrolled in for-credit
courses community engaged designated
courses (UG/G)

Other relevant community engaged learning activity

Your assistance in compiling this information from your department is important and very appreciated.  We need to compile the information you provide during the early fall quarter of 2022, and so look forward to your response before the Fall quarter commences in earnest.

Thank you again for your assistance.


Rick Howick
Community Engagement Curriculum Specialist

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