[CNASEMC] Course Request System Questions and informational meeting

Melinda L Miller melinda.miller at ucr.edu
Fri Sep 8 11:15:34 PDT 2023

NOTES from the September 7 meeting which includes the Repeat code cheat sheet and video of the meeting.

Attached you will find

  1.  Spring 2024 call.

  1.  A repeat code cheat sheet that was completed for everyone to use.

  1.  The video from the meeting.

Topics included BDM, E-Z, and Repeatability in CRS as related to Banner

BDM access  role required/access to DEPT-CRS-USERS-REGISTRARS

Sam Jobelius, Shellee Stewart, Laura Brooks Sosa, Randy Morgan, Lorena Jaramillo, Paul Talavera, Mayela Giron, Carla Ruiz, Sabine Freij, Erika Santoyo

Melinda Lee Miller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Passcode: 607975


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Meeting ID: 968 0195 1186
Passcode: 607975

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From: Melinda L Miller <melinda.miller at ucr.edu>
Subject: FW: Spring 2024 course deadline 
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:08:05 +0000
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