[Bpsfaculty] Catano Visit - Community Ecologist Position

Louis Santiago santiago at ucr.edu
Fri May 5 08:56:36 PDT 2023

Dear Botany Faculty,

Our third candidate for the community ecologist position will be here on Tuesday. Dr. Christopher Catano, who is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Emory University is another outstanding candidate with a clear focus in community ecology. I made sure to adjust the access so you can easily sign up on the schedule here:

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XF6LLg68FkMqgmsRo1T21m5h4VMQdaBgUnqt9Qb5I9I/edit <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XF6LLg68FkMqgmsRo1T21m5h4VMQdaBgUnqt9Qb5I9I/edit>

It would be great for him to meet people from across the department and for you to weigh in on these candidates. We have a chance to bring in someone who will work to keep us a strong department, so let's put on a good show! 

There are also a couple of mealtimes still open, so don’t be shy if you want to grab a bite to eat with our candidate.

Thanks in advance and cheers everyone,

Louis Santiago
santiago at ucr.edu

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