[Botanypostdoc] Looking for lawns and xeriscape yards for dissertation research!

Laura McGeehan laura.mcgeehan at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 22 13:56:25 PST 2021

Please respond directly to Spipe001 at ucr.edu and not to the list serve.

Hi everyone,
Hoping the quarter is starting strong for all of you!

One chapter of my dissertation focuses on soil emissions of nitrogen in the city of Riverside and how irrigation and fertilizer affects them.

I am looking for 3 lawns and 2 xeriscape yards where I can measure emissions from for ~72 hours during March and August of 2021. I will need to place soil collars and run machines for that time (these will require power, or a generator which I would need to refill with gas through the experiment). This setup requires ~3x3 meters and space for automatic chambers, so a backyard (or front yard where machines can stay in back) is ideal.

The chambers are pretty fun to watch and could be a great learning experience for kids! Set up and take down will be quick and I can completely work around your schedule.

Email Stephanie Piper (spipe001 at ucr.edu<mailto:spipe001 at ucr.edu>) if you are willing to help or have any questions!



Laura McGeehan, Ph.D.

Graduate Student Services Advisor for Plant Biology, Plant Pathology, and Microbiology

1140 Batchelor Hall, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

laura.mcgeehan at ucr.edu<mailto:laura.mcgeehan at ucr.edu> Phone: 951-827-5688, Toll Free: 800-735-0717, FAX: 951-827-5517

Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers

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