[Biomed_students_phd] Opportunity : Virtual Open House for the University of Utah Clinical Chemistry Fellowship program July 15th

biomedsci biomedsci at medsch.ucr.edu
Fri Jul 9 14:18:58 PDT 2021

Begin forwarded message:

Title: Virtual Open House for the University of Utah Clinical Chemistry Fellowship program July 15th
We have multiple Fellowships in Pathology that available for PhDs. These are a great career path for people who are interested in more clinically oriented career paths that are still research based. One of these is clinical chemistry, the majority of our recent Fellows are PhDs and the Director of the Fellowship Program is a PhD scientist. We are having a virtual open house next week where Kamisha, the Program Director and a past fellow will talk about the career path and what the fellowship entails. Would you please circulate the flyer to and grad students you know who might be interested? We are particularly interested in making sure that women and underrepresented minorities know about these career paths. I'm working on setting up open houses for the other fellowships that are available to PhDs. The QR code on the flyer will take students to the link to register.

Keke Fairfax

Associate Professor and Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Department of Pathology
Division of Microbiology and Immunology
JMRB 2200B
801-581-5980 (office)
Twitter: @LabFairfax<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__twitter.com_LabFairfax&d=DwMGaQ&c=LsLxleeqPm1pgCNn-PN_bQ&r=OTo2VEWPySj8MJLvoH84ijX0BOHJx0aTfrWeC_P5eC4&m=n5BM3OL9azwqWn1zEZnB-ZCWUO7We5KpvrgxBezpWN8&s=HY2C3YJzxTs-u8GQ7z3NdEvDFhi3Ai9mUixpscyKQAs&e=>

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