[Biomed_grad_faculty] FW: GSR contract training

Hermila Torres Hermila.Torres at medsch.ucr.edu
Wed Sep 20 17:06:51 PDT 2023

Dear BMSC Grad Program Faculty,

Please see the notice from Graduate Division Below. Graduate Division is providing training sessions aimed at helping faculty navigate the various complexities that the GSR collective bargaining contract entails. Most notably, their sessions will be focusing on best practices for supervising GSRs while also serving as a mentor for their academic research.

Please plan to register and attend these sessions!

Thank you!


Hermila Torres
Student Services Advisor
Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences | UCR School of Medicine
hermila.torres at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:hermila.torres at medsch.ucr.edu>
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Hybrid work schedule
8:00am-5:00pm (PST)  Mon, Thurs, Fri - onsite | 8:00am-5:00pm (PST) Tue, Wed - remote

From: Kate Sweeny <ksweeny at ucr.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2023 3:28 PM
To: Kate Sweeny <ksweeny at ucr.edu>
Cc: Emma H Wilson <emma.wilson at ucr.edu>; Cheryl L Gerry <cheryl.gerry at ucr.edu>; Patrick Andrew Napier <patrick.napier at ucr.edu>; Lidia Kos <lidia.kos at ucr.edu>
Subject: GSR contract training

Hi all-

I hope you're enjoying the last few days of summer! I'm writing in my role as the Associate Dean for Graduate Academic Affairs. The Graduate Division will be hosting several virtual trainings to provide guidance about the new GSR contracts, aimed at helping faculty navigate the various complexities that the contracts entail. Most notably, we'll be focusing on best practices for supervising GSRs while also serving as a mentor for their academic research.

We strongly encourage all faculty to attend; graduate staff are also very much welcome. In addition to general guidance, we'll be providing a new "description of duties" form that will soon be part of every GSR appointment letter, likely starting in winter. These training sessions are a perfect time to learn about this new system and ask any questions you might have.

This email is only going to Deans, Grad Advisors, Chairs, and GSAOs, so please forward it on to your faculty and encourage them to attend!

Please RSVP at this link so we can distribute the Zoom invite to all attendees.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/NSzvq28S9B4mFqkB8__;!!OLyWHuc!XYUkrsZt79IYYjoPo55NaFcF4iunZvInlbZhX3N5WicD3-mXSfIggNoJcalttJN4sWlKqGCimXmc023NioydkVCV2w$>

Let me know if you have any questions at this time, and I hope to see you at the training!

Kate Sweeny, Associate Dean for Graduate Academic Affairs
Emma Wilson, Associate Dean for Recruitment, Retention, and Student Success
Lidia Kos, Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies
Patrick Napier, Student Financial Support (and contract guru!)
Cheryl Gerry, Assistant Dean/CFAO
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