[Bgsa] Science Fair Judges Needed: Bryant School (Riverside)

Brian Gray briang at ucr.edu
Thu Jan 5 10:14:15 PST 2012

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Bryant School for the Arts still needs judges for its
science fair, which will take place next Wednesday, January 11 between
8:30am and 12:00. Judging usually takes 1-2 hours, but you're free to stay
as little or as long as you'd like.

If you're interested in attending, contact Dr. Kathleen Bocian at
kathleen.bocian at ucr.edu.

Bryant School is located in downtown Riverside at 4324 Third St, near
Fairmount Park. If you're interested in a carpool, let Bre (bharr002 at ucr.edu)
or I know as soon as possible and we'll try to coordinate something. Be
sure to tell us 1) whether you need a ride or can provide a lift and 2)
what time you plan to attend. Finally, be sure to report your hours to Bre
or I so that we can track EEOB service hours for the year.


Brian Gray
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521 USA
briang at ucr.edu
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