[Bgsa] Outreach Opportunity!

Breanna Harris bharr002 at ucr.edu
Thu Feb 16 14:35:49 PST 2012

You may have seen the papers on the Spieth doors, but Grad Division and
SACNAS are hosting Science Olympiad on UCR's campus this year and it would
be an easy way to help out if you were interested in volunteering with the
local community students.

Date: *March 3* (8am-6pm; I know same day as Gradfest, but hey, that just
means you'll be on campus anyway)

For info:

If you'd like to volunteer see this website

This is the info that we have so far about volunteering:  *Right now, we
are looking for volunteers to assist at the registration tables, people to
serve a chaperons (walking students from 1 event to the next), people to
stay in the rooms of the events to serve as a sort of co-proctor, and
additional volunteers as needed. In addition, EEOBGSA could probably set up
a booth if we wanted. Commitment will include a training day, and time on
the 3rd between the hours of 5am and 8pm, as much as you can offer.
Anything is appreciated.*
Please fill out the link if you are interested and don't forget to report
any hours to either myself or Brian.

Bre and Brian

Breanna N. Harris
PhD Candidate
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
lab phone: (951) 827-5929
email: bharr002 at ucr.edu
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