[Bgsa] Join EEOBGSA on the Student life page!

Anne Jacobs ajaco005 at ucr.edu
Mon Apr 16 11:17:27 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

As we gear up for officer elections and passing the gavel to next
years officers (whoever they may be), I thought I'd take a moment to
remind everyone that EEOBGSA does actually have an official
organization page that you can join.  Basically, this is the website
that Student Life provides for us, and it's in our best interests to
keep it as up-to-date as possible. Student Life keeps track of all
student organizations at UCR (including ours), and we have to go
through them to keep EEOBGSA an official organization on this campus.
It also helps to have up-to-date records of membership when we go to
apply for things like the Outreach Award.  So, if you're in EEOB and
you haven't joined the group on our official page, please take a
moment to do so.  The link to our organization is:


You'll have to log on and click "Join the Org" to join, and you may
also have to electronically sign the official university waiver that
all student organization member have to sign.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.  I'll have
more details about the officer elections soon!


Anne Jacobs

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