[Bgsa] Lunch club spring quarter

Rebecca Swab rswab001 at ucr.edu
Wed Apr 11 10:59:37 PDT 2012

After one successful quarter of lunch club, we're trying it again.  If you
want to join, show up today at noon with your lunch at the yellow tables in
the Speith court yard (Rain locations 1) Darwin room, if thats occupied
then 2) Moore room).  Can't come today?  Email me and I can add you to the
list for a weekly reminder! We will meet every Wednesday at noon.

If you're not convinced you should join, read the following:

"There might not be data that there is a higher suicide rate for people who
eat lunch alone, but that's probably just because they haven't looked for
it." ~Mauricio

"Tired of getting your vitamins from pills? Spend an hour in the sun!"

Basically, Mauricio says you should come.

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