[Bgsa] UC Day

Alejandro Cortez acort001 at ucr.edu
Thu Feb 17 09:43:15 PST 2011

Hi all,
     Over the past few years, I've made it an annual tradition to go to
visit the Capitol in Sacramento.  This year I will be going up on February
28th-March 1st for UC Day.  In addition to sharing my own experience, I'd be
happy to share some of your thoughts from your perspective as graduate
students (as TAs, Researchers, and involvement with other aspects in your
community).  In particular, offer your thoughts on the impact the proposed
state budget cuts to the UC will have (on you, the department, etc) and why
state funding support is critical to you.  I can fold them into some of my
talking points and compile a list with your remarks, or have leave-behind
packets for our state representatives and their staff (I'd be happy to
disseminate any EEOB pamphlets/brochures/etc).  As of this moment, I am not
sure which exact offices I will be visiting but I will be sure to keep you
updated.  I look forward to your input.
Warmest regards,

Alejandro Cortez
University of California Riverside
Alum '02 '09
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