[Bgsa] rooms available

Quresh Latif qureshlatif at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 6 09:35:49 PDT 2011

There are a couple rooms that will open up this month in our house on Flanders Rd. The house is just a few blocks northeast of campus. It is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house with a yard, washer/drier, and storage space in the garage. Marka and I will be moving out next week, leaving the master bedroom available. Another, smaller room will become available August 25th. Rent will be $510 for the larger room and $490 for the smaller room. Utilities are shared among the renters and is typically $30-50 a month per person. There is air conditioning, so utilities will be at the higher end of this range in the summer depending upon how much the A/C is used. First and last month's rent are required up front plus a $300 security deposit. The remaining two rooms will continue to be occupied by Anne Jacobs (Marlene's student) and David Popko (works in the entymology department). Please call or email if you or anyone you know is interested. My cell # is 951-836-1141.


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