[Bgsa] Representative to EEOB Admissions Committee needed

Gabriel Gartner ggart001 at ucr.edu
Wed Oct 21 11:13:13 PDT 2009

Hi Carla,

This sounds interesting and is certainly important, but is it possible  
to get a bit more clarification on what we would actually be doing to  
contribute to the admissions committee as opposed to simply doing the  
organizing and labor required for recruitment weekend?  As I  
understand, students visiting during recruitment weekend have already  
been admitted.


..."We need someone who has already advanced to candidacy, is in good  
academic standing, and is willing to play a major role in organizing  
recruitment weekend, especially Gradfest (which is tentatively  
scheduled for March 6 at the Botanical Gardens).  He or she would not,  
however, be involved in reviewing applicants' files."

Gabriel E. A. Gartner
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Biology
1208 Spieth Hall
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
ggart001 at ucr.edu

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