[Bgsa] EEOB Retreat

Adrienne Mora amora008 at student.ucr.edu
Mon Nov 9 10:34:40 PST 2009

Hi guys,

This a a friendly reminder that the 2009 EEOB retreat will be held on Saturday, 
November 14 at the James reserve. Please sign up to bring a food item to share 
at the retreat, as we are relying on potluck participation for the event. The sign 
up sheet is located on the door in the Biology mailroom. Also, if you have not 
already done so, could you please send me three interesting facts about yourself 
that most people may not know about you? We really need more responses to 
make the game worthwhile.

Please be reminded that it will be pretty chilly up at the reserve, so make sure 
that you dress warm, or wear layers. Breakfast will be served promptly at 9 AM 
and talks will begin shortly thereafter. If you plan to stay overnight, you need to 
pay me an additional five dollars, which will be given to the reserve manager to 
secure your space at the main lodge. If you are willing to drive other people to 
the event or back, please let me know asap. 

I'm really happy that so many of us are planning to attend the retreat this year. I 
look forward to seeing all of you and having a great time as a department. 
Please email me with any questions or concerns that you may have. Otherwise, 
I'll see you on Saturday!


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