[Bgsa] Best Talk Winner

Darren Rebar dreba001 at student.ucr.edu
Tue Mar 17 11:56:42 PDT 2009

Hi all,

First off, thank you everyone for presenting this Saturday - I know it's 
not exactly what we all want to do, but it really reflected the 
department nicely and I really enjoyed the quality of the talks this 
year.  And now, onto the results.  Winner of the 2009 Gradfest Best Talk 
is:  Adrienne Mora!  Congratulations!  The race was fairly close, but 
courting crabs are just darn cute.  Adrienne will be awarded at the 
first EEOBGSA meeting in the spring (hopefully April 3rd so mark your 
calendar).  So, if you get thirsty in the upcoming weeks and would like 
a beer, ask Adrienne.


Darren Rebar
EEOBGSA President
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
Cell: 951.202.9377
Email: darren.rebar at email.ucr.edu

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