[Bgsa] Scott Kelly's Getaway Afterparty!!

Erik Kolb zookolb at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 5 08:48:17 PDT 2008

Hi everyone,
      Scott Kelly is defending his dissertation today at 4pm.  Given that Scott is just a humble midwestern lad, he'd prefer that we all not make a big fuss about this milestone in his academic life.  Ignoring that, we'd like everyone to join us at the Getaway at 6:00pm for drinks, pizza, and (again, Scott's wishes) the first game of the NBA playoffs!!
      Show up when you like, leave when you like, and enjoy yourself and the company of your fellow grad students.  Scott will be leaving at the end of the month for his new postdoc at UNC in North Carolina.  Make sure to wish him well, write a poem, sonnet, or ode to him, buy him a beer, cry, tell him off,...whatever you think will symbolize and memorialize your friendship with him.  
       See you there!!!
Erik   :)
P.S. This will be the only "party" that we will be throwing for Scott.  This is the Garland lab people,....not the Zuk lab or the Reznick lab or the Nunney lab....Scott is lucky he's getting this.  We were going to celebrate by letting him put 200 mice on wheels in the vivarium, but we realized, wait, we're already doing that next week!!

Erik Kolb 
Ph.D. Candidate
Physiology Track
Department of Biology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, California 92521
(cell) 626-226-7817
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