[Bgsa] free Tai Chi Chuan class

Quresh Latif qureshlatif at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 10 23:03:49 PST 2008

I've decided I'm gonna teach Tai Chi Chuan to anyone
interested in learning. I'll be out in the Spieth
courtyard on Tuesdays starting at 5:30pm. Anyone
interested in checking it out, please join us. I have
at least two people who are interested so I will
definitely be there.

Tai Chi Chuan literally translates to "Grand Ultimate
Boxing". It is a soft-style martial art from China,
which means it focuses on neutralizing and
re-directing energy rather than speed and strength.
However, most people nowadays practice it for the
health benefits and relaxation, both mental and

The style of Tai Chi Chuan that I learn and will teach
was originated and developed by Tchoung Ta Chen. I
will start you out with some warm-up exercises, the
Tai Chi Chuan form, breathing exercises, some standing
meditation, and possibly a little push-hands (basic
two-person exercises). I am currently learning under
Sifu Harvey Kurland, who offers classes at the UCR Rec
Center. I just tested today for the level 5
certification. Level 7 is the Instructor level, and
level 10 is the Chief Instructor level. Sifu Kurland
is a Chief Instructor.

If you're interested at all, please stop by or email


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