[Bgsa] Where to bring stuff on Potluck day

Esther Valdez estval at ucr.edu
Tue Nov 13 10:17:49 PST 2007

Turkey cooks: You can bring them either whole or we will carve them. 
If you bring them already carved, you needn't bring them on a platter 
as we will gently reheat the turkey (we spritz the meat with low salt 
broth to keep it moist). If you want to be reimbursed for the turkey, 
please bring a receipt to me. If you can bring the drippings in the 
morning, Jon Allen will make gravy.

Ham cooks: Still don't have any cooks for this - I don't cook pork in 
my house so I can't volunteer for this one. Not the end of the world 
if we don't have ham, in my opinion, ha-ha. :-D

Any dishes that will need to be kept warm or reheated: PLEASE try to 
bring it in a container that can be microwaved. We do have some pyrex 
(never used in lab!) that we can use for this purpose. Please label 
your container and serving utensil - either at home or when 
you  bring the food to Lab Prep.

Dishes/drinks requiring refrigeration: You can bring these to Lab 
Prep anytime after 8am on Friday 11/16 - drinks can be brought at 
anytime between now and Friday. Please label your container and 
serving utensil - either at home or when you  bring the food to Lab Prep.

Esther Valdez
Supervisor Biology Teaching Lab Prep
UC Riverside Biology Dept.
1229 Spieth Hall
Riverside, Ca 92521

estval at ucr.edu

951-827-4286 (fax)  
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