[Bgsa] Free hardcopies of journals

John T. Rotenberry John.Rotenberry at ucr.edu
Fri Nov 3 15:16:31 PST 2006

If there is anyone left who still likes to collect hardcopies of journals, 
there are several boxes of Ecology, Ecological Monographs, Ecography, and 
American Naturalist, and odd copies of Science out in the hallway next to 
SPTH 3371 (the Bird Lab).  They (and some misc. other stuff on the cart) 
are free for the taking up until late next week, at which time they will be 
carted off to the dumpster.


* John T. Rotenberry
* Department of Biology
* University of California
* Riverside, CA  92521
* phone 951-827-3953
* fax   951-827-4286
* Net   John.Rotenberry at ucr.edu
* http://www.biology.ucr.edu/people/faculty/Rotenberry.html

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