[Bgsa] Karen Bagne's Going Away Potluck

Kim Oldehoeft kimberly.oldehoeft at email.ucr.edu
Wed May 11 15:43:23 PDT 2005

Hi Everyone,

A beloved member of our community has decided to leave 
Riverside <gasp!> for a job in another state.  Yes people, 
Karen Bagne got a job (a "cool job"), and she's moving on.  

There will be a celebratory potluck at her house this Sunday 
MAY 15 at 5:30PM.  The address is 3648 Mount Vernon.  Please 
plan to attend in honor of Karen's hard work and 
dedication... and to take inspiration from her gumption to 
leave this one-of-a-kind county.  

Bring food or drinks.  

Please circulate the news to those I have missed! 


"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice." 
--Mahatma Gandhi 

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