[Bgsa] Sign-ups and other things

Greg Russell gruss001 at student.ucr.edu
Mon Apr 11 16:06:43 PDT 2005

Hi all,

I've placed the signups for coffee hour and projector duty on the back 
of the copy room door.  There are lots of spots that still need to be 
filled, so please sign up on your way by.  It would help us out a lot.

Also, tomorrow morning you will find the ballots to elect your next 
BGSA president in your mailbox.  The candidates are Heather Stottman 
and Robin Tinghitella.  There is also a spot for a write-in candidate.  
The ballot box will be out until Friday April 22, then I will tally the 
votes and announce the winner.

Again, sign up for coffee/projector.

Talk to you soon--Greg
Greg Russell
Graduate Student
Department of Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
gruss001 at student.ucr.edu

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