[Allgsacstudents] Master bedroom for rent

allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu
Fri Feb 17 15:18:15 PST 2023


A master bedroom is available to sublet as soon as March 1st until the
lease ends on August 31st. The room is spacious, about 15 feet by 14 feet,
with its own bathroom. Rent is $612.50 per month and utilities usually run
between $100 and 150 per month. There's a big kitchen with all the
necessary appliances, plus some extras. The house has a pool and a
beautiful backyard with a covered patio area and a view of the botanic
gardens. There's a small garage used for storage, but room on the driveway
plus plenty of street parking. It's a 20 min walk to campus and less than a
ten minute bike ride.

The previous tenant is open to leaving some furniture behind if you'd like. The
three other tenants are graduate students in biology programs. I have a cat
(who usually stays in my room) and another roommate has a dog, so
unfortunately we can't have any more pets.

Please reach out to skubi001 at ucr.edu if interested.

Best wishes,
Sam Kubica
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