[Allgsacstudents] FW: Reaching students and postdocs working on human cells

allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu allgsacstudents at lists.ucr.edu
Wed Feb 16 15:53:00 PST 2022

Please see the job posting of an immediately-available position with the biotech start-up in MRB

Additional information about our job posting:
The job position is titled: “Translational Cell Biologist”  -- which is an entry level position.
The person will get full exposure to all aspects of startup life and learn lots about the biotech and biopharma fields.

I think this position is great for a PhD student with grit, who just graduated and who has the classical contemplations on next steps:

  *   Who enjoys thinking about science, but would like to apply it somewhere else and not be at the bench anymore.

     *   In this job the person will have to read a lot of scientific literature, and use this in translation to our scientific product, articles, grants and presentations.

  *   Who is interested in industry, but is not sure what position he/she would enjoy most (since they have always been in academia).

     *   With this job they will learn about the various positions in pharma and their responsibilities. They will do business research, and deepen their understanding what the cornucopia of biotech companies in the area work on.

  *   Who loves science, but biting in one topic for 4 years is quite draining.

     *   In this job the person will have to learn complex concepts quickly, and translate them to easy language for our multi-disciplinary team.

  *   Who cannot sit still and loves to connect with people.

     *   This job will entail a lot of talking with scientists, reaching out, and listening!


Sophie Zaaijer PhD

FIND Genomics | www.findgen.bio<http://www.findgen.bio>
Follow us on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/find-genomics>
Twitter: @sophie_zaaijer

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