[Allgsacfaculty] Faculty resource use survey

allgsacfaculty at lists.ucr.edu allgsacfaculty at lists.ucr.edu
Tue Jul 26 10:06:39 PDT 2022

From: Weatherton, Maryrose <mweath13 at vols.utk.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 8:23 AM
To: Maryrose Weatherton <mweath13 at vols.utk.edu>
Subject: Request for forwarding - faculty resource use survey

Dear Colleagues,

I am a PhD candidate in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. My dissertation focuses on the relationship between resource use and academic outcomes. I am seeking to collect survey data related to which resources life science faculty members use, and how useful they perceive these resources to be.

In order to reach as large of a sample size as possible, I am asking staff within life science departments to forward information to faculty members their departments. Recruitment material is attached to this email and is also found below the dashed line. The survey will take students approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Please find additional survey information below.

You are under no obligation to send this email. If you have any questions or concerns related to the study or students’ rights as research participants in this project, please contact me (Maryrose Weatherton, mweath13 at vols.utk.edu<mailto:mweath13 at vols.utk.edu>) or a UTK IRB Compliance Officer at utkirb at utk.edu<mailto:utkirb at utk.edu>, 865-974-7697.

Thank you,

Maryrose Weatherton


Hello colleagues,

            I am recruiting individuals to participate in a research survey for my dissertation. The survey will gather information about what resources you use in your role as a faculty member and how useful you perceive these resources to be. If you agree to participate, you will take a survey that should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Demographic and institutional information will also be collected, but not your name. The data collected in the survey may be used in a future publication.

            If you are interested in participating, please follow this link: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3xhc7PywR2JHXIq , which will take you to a Qualtrics survey website.

The consent form for this research is attached to this email and is also integrated into the survey. If you have questions about the study or your rights as a research participant in this project, please contact me (Maryrose Weatherton, mweath13 at vols.utk.edu<mailto:mweath13 at vols.utk.edu>) or a UTK IRB Compliance Officer at utkirb at utk.edu<mailto:utkirb at utk.edu>, 865-974-7697.

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