[Tlc] Lao PDR and Kingdom of Cambodia No Longer Marxist-Leninist States

Shane Tarr shanetarr at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 13 18:43:04 PDT 2009

Wow, now the US has decreed neither Lao PDR or the Kingdom of Cambodia to be Marxist-Leninist states! I never realized that the Lao PDR was ever such a state despite the occasional portrait of the ubiquitous hammer and sickle and as for Cambodia Marx and Lenin were/are figments of the imagination. I suspect more readers of The Economist have a better idea of Marxism-Leninism than almost anybody in either the Lao PDR or the Kingdom of Cambodia: what a wonderful oxymoron! 
Still it is pleasing to see that President Barack Obama is a more mature President than the previous incumbent and I personally hope both business in the Lao PDR (this is sometimes an oxymoron outside of Beer Lao and Madam Dao Hung) and the Kingdom of Cambodia (and here the Cambodian dispora will play an important role) will benefit as a result.
It would be good if TLC could run a few more articles on business in the region: that of course does not detract from the other interesting articles it runs. Keep up the good work.
Shane Tarr

Shane Tarr, PhD
Freelance Development Consultant
61/33-34 Tipthani Condo
Soi 32, Bangna-Trad Road
Bangkok 10260

Tel/Fax: +66 (02) 746 9662 (Bangkok)
Tel: +66 (042) 853 160 (Loei)
Tel: +855 (016) 539 122 (Cambodia)
World Phone: +66851507518
Skype: shanetarr

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