[Tlc] fellowships

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Sep 26 13:46:39 PDT 2008

See three fellowships below.

Grants for Advanced Asian Language Study
The Blakemore Foundation 

Since 1990, the Foundation has awarded over $11.2 million in language grants. Blakemore Freeman Fellowships fund a year of advanced study of an Asian language in Asia for American citizens and permanent residents of the United States who have a college degree and who plan to use an Asian language in their careers. 

Deadline: December 20, 2008 
Website: http://www.blakemorefoundation.org/

Boren Awards for Study Abroad and Language Study

The Institute of International Education is pleased to announce the opening of the 2009-10 academic year competition for NSEP David L. Boren Scholarships for undergraduate students and NSEP David L. Boren Fellowships for graduate students.  Boren Awards provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. students to add important international and language components to their educations.  Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 for an academic year's study abroad. Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 for language study and international research.

Deadline: February 11, 2009
Website: http://www.borenawards.org/

Florence Tan Moeson Library Fellowship Program
Library of Congress, Washington, DC

The Asian Division Friends Society announces the Florence Tan Moeson Research Fellowship for 2009. This fellowship is made possible by a generous donation of Florence Tan Moeson, for 43 years a Chinese Team cataloger in the Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division before she retired in 2001.  The purpose of the fellowship is to give individuals the opportunity to use the Asian collections in the Library of Congress, which are among the most significant outside of Asia and consist of nearly 2.8 million books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts and microforms in the languages of East, South and Southeast Asia.

Researchers wishing to submit applications should go to this Web site: http://www.lcasianfriends.org/fellowship. The deadline for applying for the 2009 fellowship program is September 30, 2008.

The Florence Tan Moeson Research Fellowship consists of $14,000 each year for 10 years in support of grants for research using the Asian Division’s Reading Room and the Library’s extensive Asian collections. The grants will be awarded upon demonstration of need. Grants are intended to pay for travel to and from Washington, overnight accommodations and photocopying fees. Graduate and upper-level undergraduate students, independent scholars, community college teachers, researchers without regular teaching appointments, and librarians with a demonstrated need for fellowship support are especially encouraged to apply.

The Library’s Asian collection began in 1869 with a gift of 10 works in 933 volumes from the emperor of China to the United States. Spanning a diversity of subjects from China, Japan, Korea, the South Asian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, the Library’s Asian collections have become one of the most accessible and comprehensive sources of Asian language materials in the world.

For further information about the collection, visit the Asian Division’s Web site at http://www.loc.gov/rr/asian/.
Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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