[Tlc] TLC-sepak takraw federation

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Mon Apr 28 06:58:42 PDT 2008

Forwarded from Tzianeng Vang.

In an effort to have the sport of Sepak Takraw be included in the summer Olympic games I call upon your assistance. For the last 15 years or so the US Sepak Takraw families have been well represented to mos of the SEA Sepak Takraw's international events, including the famouse Kings Cup in Bangkok. Unfortunately most games played are represented by SEA descents, mostly from the Diaspora communities; it has always been disappointed to the SEA and other international crowds every time they come to see US teams played and expecting to see European descents members, but always just the Asian descent players. I have tried to volunteer my times as much as I can, but there still isn't any formal effort; there're were at one time that a national organization ran for about 2-4 years, it was called US Takraw Federation, but that have since unfolded. Thus I call on the TLC members on this listserv to ask if anyone would be interested to participate in putting the national/international se!
pak takraw's interest of the US on a formal basis; incorporating it into a functioning national 501 (c) (3) organization so that we may have organized efforts in providing the education it needs to ensure a more successful future for the US Sepak Takraw family.

These are the few sites, with exception to the Canadian's, are organized loosely and locally:


If anyone is interested in supporting the sport of Sepak Takraw please contact:

Tzianeng Vang
Email: txiabneeb at gmail.com
Phone: 651.238.5300

Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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