[Tlc] TLC-CIA and Copenhagen positions

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Thu Dec 6 17:38:43 PST 2007

Two positions described below.

1) Assistant Professor (Adjunct) in Southeast Asian Studies / Thai
University of Copenhagen
Documented research on post-doctoral level in one or several
subjects related to history and culture of Southeast Asia,
preferably in the fields of literature, history or social
sciences.  Documented language competence in Thai to teach it
as a second language at BA and MA levels.  Knowledge and
ability to teach more than one Southeast Asian language and/or
a broad range of subjects related to the history and culture
of Southeast Asia in addition to Thailand would be an advantage.

The main duty of the appointee will be, besides general
administrative duties, to develop and teach courses at the BA
and MA levels on various aspects of Southeast Asian history
and culture relevant to the curriculum. The appointee will
also teach Thai language courses at BA and MA levels, and will
be responsible for the organisation of Thai language courses.
The appointee is also responsible for given examinations in
all courses taught. Furthermore, the appointee should be
prepared to participate in multidisciplinary courses offered
from the institute at large (please consult www.tors.ku.dk).

Appointment to this position is temporary and limited to 3 years.

Further inquiries may be directed to Head of Department,
Ingolf Thuesen, tel. (45) 35 32 89 06, e-mail
<i-leder.tors at hum.ku.dk>.
Further information about the procedure is available from
personnel officer Mette Christensen, telephone +45 35 32 80 87
or e-mail: <mec at hum.ku.dk>.
All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply irrespective
of personal background.

Applications, quoting reference number 211-0130/07-4550, must
be addressed to the Rector of the University of Copenhagen and
received by the Faculty of Humanities, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300
Copenhagen S, Denmark before 12th December, 2007 (12 noon).
Deadline: 12-12-2007


2) Foreign Language Instructors
Central Intelligence Agency, Washington DC

Work Schedule: Full Time
Salary: $50,703 - $86,801
Location: Washington, DC metropolitan area

The Central Intelligence Agency is hiring qualified and
experienced  Language Instructors of Arabic, Chinese/Mandarin,
Dari, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Pashtu, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese, Russian,
Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish to work in the
Washington, DC metropolitan area.

The CIA provides first-class training for energetic, creative
and committed intelligence professionals. CIA Language
Instructors deliver programs that provide students with the
foreign language communications skills and cross-cultural
awareness they need to live and work abroad effectively, or to
perform other language-related duties. Foreign Language
Instructors apply the latest instructional methodologies to
meet highly customized student needs and conduct language
proficiency testing in reading, speaking and understanding for
skills evaluation. In addition, they may be asked to provide a
variety of language support services worldwide.

Minimum requirements include a Bachelor's in foreign language,
linguistics or a related field; native fluency in the
language; 2-5 years of teaching experience; demonstrated
knowledge of the respective area's history, culture, politics
and economy; and the ability to use the latest technology and
teaching techniques. Also desired are experience in teaching
language skills to a wide range of adult students, from
beginners to those at a more advanced proficiency level, and
experience in program and/or education management. As part of
the screening and interview process, applicants will be
required to take language proficiency tests in their native
language. Advanced English proficiency is also required.

Web Address for Applications:

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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