[Undergradstudents] Review of Dr. Ream, Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs

GSOEDean gsoedean at ucr.edu
Fri Jun 17 11:52:48 PDT 2022

Dear SOE Community,

This is a friendly reminder to please fill out the survey below by Tuesday, June 21, 2022, by 5 pm.  Please note that all responses are anonymous.

Thank you,

Louie Rodriguez

Interim Dean, SOE

From: GSOEDean <gsoedean at ucr.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2022 3:35 PM
To: gsoefac at ucr.edu; 'gsoestaff at ucr.edu' <gsoestaff at ucr.edu>; Undergradstudents at lists.ucr.edu; Teacheredstudents at lists.ucr.edu; gradstudents at lists.ucr.edu
Subject: Review of Dr. Ream, Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs

Dear SOE Community,

The SOE is conducting a review of Dr. Bob Ream, Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs.  Included in this email are several materials including:

  1.  The review process outlined (see below)
  2.  Dr. Ream's self-statement (see attachment)
  3.  A feedback survey here:  https://forms.gle/3HxQbSJu6iQWRNrTA
Review of Dr. Bob Ream<https://forms.gle/3HxQbSJu6iQWRNrTA>
Dr. Bob Ream, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Education Programs in the SOE, is currently completing his third year in the interim role. Please take a moment to complete the attached confidential survey. All feedback is due Tuesday, June 21, 2022, by 5 pm.

Please submit all feedback by Tuesday, June 21, 2022, by 5 pm.  Thank you.

-Louie Rodriguez, Interim Dean, SOE

Associate Dean of SOE Undergraduate Programs Review Process (Per Campus Guidance)

  1.  Dean reviews duties with Associate Dean.
  2.  Associate Dean writes and submits a self-statement to the Dean.  Self-Statement is shared with the SOE.
  3.  Dean collects student, staff, and faculty feedback, per the Associate Dean duties.
  4.  Dean will summarize non-confidential feedback and share with Associate Dean.
  5.  Associate Dean will have an opportunity to comment.
  6.  Dean makes re-appointment recommendation to the Provost office.

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