[Undergradstudents] Event Invitation from Interim Dean Louie Rodriguez

GSOEDean gsoedean at ucr.edu
Tue Jan 25 11:30:09 PST 2022

Dear SOE students,

I am happy to invite you to the “The Education JarDean,” an informal, virtual series that I will be hosting for students to drop-in and ask questions, share project ideas, brainstorm, and talk all-things education.

In many ways, students can think of this as an “office hours” concept but reframed as a space specifically to grow ideas in education.

The first event will be held Tuesday, February 1, from 2pm-3pm via Zoom. The session will not be recorded, and no RSVP is required. We will hold subsequent sessions at various times throughout the year to accommodate as many students as possible.

Please find the attached flyer for more details. Below is the Zoom link to join the meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact vanessa.soriano at ucr.edu<mailto:vanessa.soriano at ucr.edu>.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 943 9059 8916

Passcode: 400829

One tap mobile

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Louie Rodriguez

SOE Interim Dean
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