[UCR IT Staff] UC Tech 2023: Call for Session Proposals

Azra Ayers azra.ayers at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 27 15:03:02 PST 2023

Please see the email below for updates on this year’s UC Tech.

The deadline to submit a proposal is February 20. We encourage you to review the tracks and submit a proposal by following the instructions below. Accepted proposals receive free registration for their primary speaker!

Questions can be emailed to uctech at berkeley.edu<mailto:uctech at berkeley.edu> or feel free to reach out to me directly.

Thank you,
Azra Ayers
UC Tech Ambassador, UCR
Technical Project Manager, ITS
University of California, Riverside

From: uctech2023 at lists.berkeley.edu <uctech2023 at lists.berkeley.edu> On Behalf Of Uctech Departmental
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2023 4:46 PM
Subject: UC Tech 2023: Call for Session Proposals

[UC Tech 2023: Resilient, Rising & Reinspired]
Dear UC Colleagues,

Planning is well underway for UC Tech 2023: Resilient, Rising & Reinspired, happening July 17-19 on the UC Berkeley campus. We are excited to announce that proposals for session presentations are now being accepted!

Submit Your Proposal by Feb. 20

It’s easy: fill out the short form (~15 minutes) and submit it by Feb. 20. We have designed the form to walk you through some questions to let us know your desired presentation format, title, description, etc. Here is some info to help you prepare:

  *   This will be a hybrid event, you have the option to present in person on the UC Berkeley campus or virtually.
  *   All sessions will be either 45 or 90 minutes in duration, depending on the format.
  *   You’ll choose a program track related to your presentation proposal (see below).
  *   Presentations will be selected based on relevance, subject-matter expertise of presenter(s), and the number of concurrent sessions needed. Proposals that reflect this year’s theme of Resilient, Rising & Reinspired<https://uctech.berkeley.edu/> will take priority in the selection process.
  *   If your presentation is selected, you'll have access to the registration system to be able to make edits to your title, and description, add your bio, photo, and more.
  *   Conference registration will be waived for presenters. In the case where there are multiple presenters for a single session, one conference registration will be waived for the primary presenter (listed first in the form).
  *   Ready? Submit your proposal<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQ1NhwYvPohY3Es76qo0onq_kAnwE6J_ZQA5dzwICmpHWxBQ/viewform> by Feb. 20.
[submit a proposal button]<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQ1NhwYvPohY3Es76qo0onq_kAnwE6J_ZQA5dzwICmpHWxBQ/viewform>

Program Tracks

  *   Community Building - How are you bringing technology and people together either at the campus level or across the UC system? Whether it is through communities of practice, social, or networking events, our communities have evolved, and (re)building connections is more important than ever.
  *   Cultural Strategies - Across the UCs we are seeing a genuine commitment to consistently building and nurturing diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, justice, and accessibility. How is your campus fostering inclusive workplace culture and implementing DEIBJA into the foundation of your values and day-to-day operations?
  *   Future of IT - What trends and strategies are coming to IT, and how are you preparing to address them? How are you leveraging and resolving any challenges with remote work? Share inspiration about the future of IT, including any challenges we face or opportunities we have in higher ed and how we can best plan, structure, and leverage technology to meet the world's needs ahead.
  *   Health IT - Whether rolling out a new system for health IT management or a new technology that directly helps with patient care, share what innovative solutions your team has brought to healthcare.
  *   Research, Computing & Data - Share how you are providing and delivering the tools, products, and services needed to not only sustain research computing and data but to empower your campus to grow.
  *   Security & Privacy -  Against the ever-changing landscape of cyber security, how does your campus stay on top of new threats and educate the community on how not to fall victim while also protecting individual privacy and data.
  *   Teaching & Learning - Along with research and public service, the core of UC’s mission is teaching and learning. Let's share inspiration on projects completed or underway that support this critical work.

Need inspiration? View examples of topics<https://uctech.berkeley.edu/proposals> for each track as well as info on how you can deliver an accessible and inclusive presentation.

Get Connected

There are several ways to stay informed or ask questions about UC Tech:

  *   Be sure to subscribe to the UC IT Blog<https://cio.ucop.edu/subscribe/> where we will share announcements.
  *   Share this email with colleagues so they can subscribe to the UC Tech mailing list<mailto:uctech2023+subscribe at lists.berkeley.edu>.
  *   Email questions to the UC Tech Programming Committee at uctech at berkeley.edu<mailto:uctech at berkeley.edu>.
  *   Join the conversation on Slack #uctech-conference<https://uctech.slack.com/archives/C4KM6NJ78>.
  *   Want to help plan and execute UC Tech? Volunteer here<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/d8206e8bf35c4b94aee0696767b42d5d>.

We look forward to reviewing your proposal in the weeks to come!

[Colorful mosaic background with birds in flight with words:  Warm regards,  UC Tech 2023 Programming Committee]

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