[Ucr-sdrc] Supporting Students with Disabilities Activism

Glyn A Wild glyn.wild at ucr.edu
Mon Nov 16 09:22:22 PST 2020

Dear SDRC Student,
The following message is from a student leader active in the UC Student Association who is working to mobilize student with disabilities to action:

I am writing to ask for your support recruiting students to participate in systemwide disability activism.

In addition, our committee is officially launching subcommittees which will work on specific issues affecting students with disabilities. Please find a flyer for these committees here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/192Eg1jww0iV168MubUeoKbpisJEf6LQu/view?usp=sharing .

I hope this finds you well. The UC Student Association basic needs campaign is distributing a survey to examine how students are being impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. This survey will be used to inform the Association’s advocacy. We, the UC Student Association / UC Graduate Professional Council Committee on Disability, wants to ensure that Students with Disabilities voices’ are heard in this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6KMblOjLJYEWzK6S-PnpwOw1-i2skz8phAAC5Rg6EFm-4mg/viewform?gxids=7628&edit_requested=true

Please consider distributing this information about the survey and our subcommittees to your affiliates. Students are encouraged to fill out the survey and contact subcommittee leaders to get involved.

David Miller Shevelev
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Student Union Assembly<http://sua.ucsc.edu/>
University of California, Santa Cruz
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