[Tlc] L-archaeology

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Wed May 6 23:17:42 PDT 2009

Forwarded from Aiden Glendinning.

Artefacts found at Sepon mining area

(KPL May 7, 2009) Ancient mine shafts suspected to be thousands of years old were found at the Sepon Gold and Copper Operations on 11 April 2009. The artefacts were discovered while miners were excavating the Khanong copper pit which is near the known historic site called the 'Dragon Field' (Thong Na Nguak). The artefacts are constructed in a style very much like that of local fish-traps, According to the source from OZ LXML.
Although not dated yet, it is possible these mine shafts are several thousands of years old. These mine shafts have been extremely well preserved because they have been soaked in saturated soils and not exposed to air since they were abandoned.
OZ LXML Sepon and the government archaeologists from the Archaeology and Museum Department from the Ministry of Information and Culture are closely working together for the past 12 months to protect the cultural heritage of Lao PDR and follow the national law of Cultural Heritage. The established internal reporting system through the OZ LXML Sepon Cultural Heritage officer worked well and thereby ensured that these remarkable relics of an ancient industrial civilization, which have been hidden for so long, do not vanish again. Dr Thongsa Sayavonkhamdy, Director of the National Heritage Department from the Ministry of Information and Culture and his staff regard the find as 'unique' and praised the good cooperation between his department and OZ LXML Sepon. It is a race against time to properly excavate artefacts before the wet season sets in. Currently, the archaeologists are studying the finds to determine their age and possible uses in the past.

Little is known about the early history of eastern Savannakhet but this is changing rapidly.Early in 2008, a magnificent bronze drum dating back at least two thousand years was found at the Sepon area while the company's UXO team was searching for UXO. At present, the drum is on display at the National Museum in Vientiane. This find led to several excavations being commenced, all of which have revealed ancient mine workings and smelting in the area. Crucibles for moulding copper, ancient mines shafts and adits have been found at Peun Baolo on Thengkham and work has begun on excavating what is thought to be the site of an ancient settlement of copper miners at the Dragon Field.An area unknown to history before OZ LXML Sepon's arrival is now turning out to be a major prehistoric industrial site which may well have traded its products across the whole of Indochina well over a thousand years or more ago. The mining company is proud to work closely with Dr Thongsa and his dedicated!
 team; the operation is happy to provide the Lao PDR with evidence of the cultural wonders of its past and to contribute to the country's economic development.

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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