[Tlc] Angkor - Nat'l geographic Mag, July 2009 issue

H. Leedom Lefferts lleffert at drew.edu
Fri Jun 19 12:59:31 PDT 2009

Angkor is featured in the July 2009 (Vol. 216, #1) issue of Nat'l Geographic Magazine, with fold outs and large map - Angkor on one side and Southeast Asia on the other.  

Articles:  "Diving Angkor: After rising to sublime heights, the sacred city may have engineered its own downfall"
2nd article:  "Imperial Angkor: Its vast water system was a marvel of engineering - and a cautionary tale of technological overreach."

Credit is given in small type to Monash University and the University of Sydney, with Roland Fletcher cited as consultant.  Sources: EFEO; Greater Angkor Project: a collaboration of APSARA, EFEO, and University of Sydney.

In addition, <http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/> (click button #3) has a considerable feature on the city, including:  "Khmer Time Line", "Angkor in 3-D", "Temples of Angkor", "Divine Spirits", "Submit Your Photos", and "Read the Article" (same article as in magazine).  "Angkor in 3-D" provides animations with aerial and "street/canal" views of the city, various monuments, "village life", rice paddies, etc.

The point of it all is to show how the complex was, for its time, the largest city in the world with a population of perhaps 750,000 people in an area the size of New York City including its five buroughs.

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