[Tlc] T-panel idea for AAS

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Sun Jun 7 20:56:59 PDT 2009

Forwarded from James Mitchell.

I'd like to propose a paper on the use of music by the PAD and UDD during the political turmoil in Thailand from 2005 to 2009. I intend to look at the various music genres used by both sides for the purposes of protest and examine what these genres reveal about each side and the potential for future conflict/resolution. The importance of modern Isan identity to the conflict is revealed by the marked use of mor lam and luuk tung by the red shirts. The possibility of Isan culture and influence becoming the dominant force in Thai culture and politics cannot be discounted.

I will write up the proposal for formally but would like to see if anyone else is interested in forming a panel looking at the political turmoil in Thailand but not from a strictly political studies angle.

Thanks very much for posting this
James Mitchell (Macquarie University Sydney)
Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
3046 INTN
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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