[Tlc] C-CKS position

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Mon Mar 17 08:09:11 PDT 2008


The Center for Khmer Studies seeks up to two course
Instructors for credit-bearing courses on Cambodian Studies
based in Siem Reap, Cambodia.


The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS) in partnership with the
Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) is
running a study program for undergraduates in 2008, the Summer
Junior Fellowship Program in Cambodian Studies, for American,
French and Cambodian undergraduates and recent graduates.


CKS is seeking up to two course instructors to deliver the
academic content for two university-level courses to be held
over the summer 2008, based in Siem Reap, Cambodia.  Both
courses are to be held for a total of 45 contact hours.  This
includes instruction in class and on field trips in Siem Reap
and Phnom Penh. Final exams will be held on August 7.  The
Summer Junior Fellowship Program begins with orientation on
June 24. The following two courses will be offered for the
summer program:


    * Cambodian History and Culture
    * Nation-Building in Cambodia After the Khmer Rouge.


The Summer Junior Fellowship Program will be held at the CKS
conference hall in Wat Damnak in Siem Reap, Cambodia.  It
includes a two week field trip to Phnom Penh organized by CKS
and CIEE.  Opportunities also exist to provide program
direction and research guidance during the Program. 


The ideal candidates would hold a PhD, have prior teaching
experience and be familiar with the historic, social and
political environment of Cambodia and Southeast Asia.  Strong
reading and writing skills in English are required (the
working language of the programs is English) and language
skills in French and Khmer are an advantage.


Please send a CV and a cover letter outlining your interest
and relevant experience by April 30, 2008, or for further
information about the programs, the courses and any other
questions about this opportunity, to:


Michael Sullivan, Director of Operations

msullivan at khmerstudies.org


Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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