[Tlc] TLC-graduate student conference

justinm at ucr.edu justinm at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 25 17:14:37 PST 2008

See below from Cornell.

Call for Papers
Graduate Student Conference, Cornell University Southeast Asia

Deadline to submit abstracts: 1/31/2008

Description: The Cornell Southeast Asia Program would like to
announce its 10th annual Southeast Asian Studies Graduate
Conference.  This year the event will be held at the Kahin
Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia on March 14-16,
2008.  The Annual Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Conference
is a symposium organized annually by the SEAP Student
Committee.  It serves as a forum for students around the U.S.
and abroad who are working in any discipline related to
Southeast Asia to be actively involved in intellectual
exchanges with their fellows in the community of Southeast
Asian Studies.

We welcome submissions from graduate students at any stage
engaged in original research related to Southeast Asia. 
Graduate students working in the following disciplines as well
as other related fields that contribute to the understanding
of Southeast Asia are encouraged to apply: history,
literature, art history, sociology, musicology, religion,
anthropology, archeology, architectural history, gender
studies, political science, economics, linguistics and literature.

This year we are honored to announce that our keynote speaker
will be Professor Thongchai Winichakul, the author of Siam
Mapped: A History of the Geo-body of a Nation (1994), and
"Remembering/Silencing the Traumatic Past: the Ambivalent
Memories of the October 1976 Massacre in Bangkok" in Cultural
Crisis and Social Memory: Modernity and Identity in Thailand
and Laos (2002), edited by Charles F Keyes and Shigeharu
Tanabe.  Papers related to Professor Winichakul’s interests
are strongly encouraged.

Please submit a one-page abstract and curriculum vitae to the
following email address: <seapgradconference at gmail.com>.  All
abstracts should be limited to one page (using 1" margins on
all sides, Times New Roman, and 12pt font size), including
examples and references, and submitted as attachments, in Word
format only.  The filename should be unique.  You should use
your first name's initial and your last name to name your
abstract.  For example: John Smith's abstract would be named
jsmith.doc.  The subject of the message should specify
"Abstract", and the body should include the following
information: • author's name(s), affiliation and e-mail
address • title of abstract • discipline(s)

NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE: Early February, 2008  Final papers
will be due by February 29, 2008.  Papers should be in
English.  Presentations should be no more than 20 minutes and
will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion.  Please see
Cornell University Southeast Asia Program Graduate Student
Symposium 2008 for further information and future updates.  A
limited number of modest travel grants are available.  Please
indicate in your email when you submit the abstract if you
would like to apply for a travel grant.

Event Website:

Dr. Justin McDaniel
Dept. of Religious Studies
2617 Humanities Building
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
justinm at ucr.edu

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