[Teacheredstudents] Reminder- GSOE Virtual Student Support Hours with Dr. Katherine Stavropoulos

GSOEDean gsoedean at ucr.edu
Mon Aug 17 09:16:58 PDT 2020

Dear GSOE students,

I hope your summer is off to a going well. I wanted to remind you that GSOE Assistant Professor and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Katherine Stavropoulos, continues to offer virtual student support hours every Monday from 12:30pm-2:30pm.

Although these office hours are not intended to replace regular counseling sessions, Dr. Stavropoulos wanted to provide an open and secure line of communication for our students.

You do not need to make an appointment, and students will be seen on a first-come first-serve basis. Dr. Stavropoulos has set up a “waiting room” in Zoom, so that only one student may meet with her at a time. Other students who call will be placed in the “waiting room” until she is available. You do need the Zoom information, which I have included below.

Please read our Q&A and watch the video with Dr. Stavropoulos<https://education.ucr.edu/news/2020/04/21/gsoe-launches-virtual-student-support-hours> to learn about the new “GSOE Virtual Student Support Hours,” including an example of topics you can address with her, and confidentially concerns.

I want to thank Dr. Stavropoulos for continuing to provide this helpful service to our students, and I also want to thank all of our students for your flexibility.

Please stay safe and reach out to us if you have any concerns at all.

GSOE Virtual Student Support Hours
Mondays, 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m

Zoom information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 967 8311 0484
Password: 758862
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Take care,

Louie Rodriguez

Interim Dean

Graduate School of Education
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