[Sfts-students] Fwd: AI and Literature: AI Innovation Fellowship by Stanford Alumni

Sherryl Vint sherrylv at ucr.edu
Thu Apr 27 10:02:39 PDT 2023

Sherryl Vint (she/her)
Professor and Chair, Department of English

*"We at UCR would like to respectfully acknowledge and recognize our
to the original and current caretakers of this land, water, **and air: the
Cahuilla, Tongva, Luiseño, and Serrano peoples and all of **their ancestors
and descendants, past, present, and future. Today this **meeting place is
home to many Indigenous peoples from all over the world, **including UCR
faculty, students, and staff, and we are grateful to have the **opportunity
to live and work on these homelands."*

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jared Greene <jared at inspiritai.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 09:58
Subject: AI and Literature: AI Innovation Fellowship by Stanford Alumni
To: <sherryl.vint at ucr.edu>

Hi Sherryl,

I hope you are well! My name is Adeesh, and I’m the Program Director at AI
an educational program committed to empowering the next generation of
humanities researchers to learn and apply artificial intelligence to push
the frontiers of their fields. As generative AI technologies make an impact
across disciplines, the possibilities for literature students to apply AI
to projects such as AI-generated storytelling and distant reading analyses
are endless.

We believe strong data analysis and AI skills improve the quality of
research and job preparation for humanities students. Developed and taught
by MIT and Stanford graduates, the *AI and Literature Innovation Fellowship*
summer 2023 offers students the opportunity to gain an endorsed technical
skillset and complete a shareable AI project to advance their research and
career ambitions.

I would appreciate it if you would be willing to share the short program
description below with your students at University Of California -
Riverside that you think may benefit. If you have any questions, please
don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you so much for your support!

Adeesh Goel
adeesh at alumni.stanford.edu
Program Head, Inspirit Innovators

*Artificial Intelligence and Literature Summer Program by Stanford
The AI Innovators program
a 25-hour education experience in Interdisciplinary Data Science which
equips students in the arts with in-demand skills like data analysis in
Python, statistics in R, and machine learning. Leveraging these new tools,
students build out a professional portfolio with capstone projects such as
poetry sentiment analysis and authorship attribution that draw on students’
unique interests. Please find more information about relevant projects here
and apply here
Feel free to contact program coordinator Jared at
programs at inspiritinnovator.com with any questions.

Inspirit AI, 530 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94301

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