[Sa-staff] Staff Assembly - February Get Recognized Nominations

Brianna Morales brianna.morales at ucr.edu
Wed Feb 24 10:46:20 PST 2021

Good morning,

As February comes to a close, I would like to encourage you to nominate individuals and peers for the Get Recognized award! The Staff Assembly Recognition Committee will review submissions and select up to two winners each month. The winners will receive a prize, be featured on the Staff Assembly website/Facebook page, and receive campus recognition during a special awards ceremony.

To nominate a member or group, please visit: https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4JE5HiF31A7ZK1T

In addition, I am excited to announce our January 2021 winners: Curtis Washington -  Distribution Services & Dr. Jamal Myrick, Rhiannon Little-Surowski, and Sharee Hughes – African Student Programs! Congratulations to you all! 😃

If you would like to join in the celebration, the official recognition ceremony will be this Tomorrow, February 25th via Zoom: https://ucr.zoom.us/j/95492830963 . Zoom room opens at 12:00pm and the ceremony begins at 12:10pm.

To learn more about the Get Recognized Program, please visit:

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or would like to join the Recognition Committee.

Have a wonderful day!


Brianna Morales
Finance & Administrative Coordinator, Career Center<careers.ucr.edu>
Director of Involvement & Recognition, UCR Staff Assembly<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/>
University of California, Riverside
900 University Ave.
Riverside, CA 92521

Phone: (951) 827-3639  | Email: brianna.morales at ucr.edu<mailto:brianna.morales at ucr.edu>
[UCRSA Logo 2 (1)]

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